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Collaboration for Simulation-Based Validation

IPG Automotive and UTAC establish partnership

IPG Automotive GmbH

In view of the expected updates for the European regulation and the Euro NCAP protocols that will require more and more virtual assessment, two key players in automotive development and validation are joining forces. IPG Automotive, global simulation expert, and UTAC, an accredited laboratory for assessment and French technical service, are starting a collaboration to create a joint solution that offers simulation and assessment from a single source.

Moving forward together for safe vehicles and efficient development processes: this is the aim of the partnership between UTAC and IPG Automotive. The executive boards of both parties met in Paris last week to formally seal the collaboration. It exemplifies the growing close connection of simulation and validation, which will also reflect in the expected evolution of Euro NCAP protocols. The goal of this partnership is a close exchange and especially the development of a joint solution that will be distributed by IPG Automotive.

The collaborative solution will include catalogs of the required scenarios that can be tested in the simulation software CarMaker and evaluated using the UTAC score. The partners are focusing on realistic virtual test environments such as test tracks, targets, and driving robots as well as on the correlation of simulation and physical test. In perspective, the solution will be adapted continuously according to the latest requirements.

"With this partnership, we support our customers to prepare vehicles and vehicle components more efficiently and precisely to meet the ambitious safety requirements of the upcoming Euro NCAP evaluations” says Steffen Schmidt, President & CEO of IPG Automotive. “With our simulation solutions and based on UTAC’s expertise, manufacturers can perform and validate an extensive number of required tests already in early development stages. This does not only save costs and time, but it also offers an ideal basis to achieve outstanding results in future Euro NCAP evaluations – which in turn increases trust with consumers and improves the manufacturer’s market position.”  


“UTAC believes that digital simulation, track and open road testing are tools that combine to improve vehicle reliability and safety, which is why we have been conducting R&D work for several years. This partnership will also enable us to share the results of this work with the customers of IPG Automotive.”, adds Laurent Midrier, UTAC VP Strategy & Expertise.

IPG Automotiveの社長兼CEOであるSteffen Schmidt(右)と、UTACのVP Strategy & ExpertであるLaurent Midrier氏(左)は、有望な協力関係を締結するためにパリで会談

President & CEO Steffen Schmidt, IPG Automotive (right), and Laurent Midrier, Vice President Strategy & Enterprise UTAC (left), met in Paris to seal the deal on the promising collaboration.

About IPG Automotive

As a global leader in virtual test driving technology, IPG Automotivedevelops innovative simulation solutions for vehicle development. Designed forseamless use, the software and hardware products can be applied throughout theentire development process, from proof-of-concept to validation and release.The company’s virtual prototyping technology facilitates the automotive systemsengineering approach, allowing users to develop, test and validate new systemsin a virtual whole vehicle.

IPG Automotive is an expert in the field of virtual development methods for theapplication areas of Autonomous Vehicles, ADAS, Powertrain, and VehicleDynamics, committed to providing support to master the growing complexity inthese domains. Together with its international clients and partners, thecompany is pioneering simulation technology that is increasing the efficiencyof development processes.

By taking real test driving into the virtual world as a complement to on-roadtesting, IPG Automotive contributes significantly to technical progress andshares in shaping the mobility of tomorrow with regard to comfort, safety,economic efficiency and environmental friendliness.

In addition to the company headquarters in Karlsruhe, Germany, IPG Automotiveprovides innovative development services to its clients and partners at thenational offices in Braunschweig, Ingolstadt, Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgartas well as in China, France, Japan, India, Korea, Sweden, UK and the USA.

IPG Automotive K.K. is the Japanese subsidiary of IPG Automotive GmbH of Germany. Established in 2014 as its first overseas office, IPG Automotive K.K. sells simulation software for automotive development and provides related engineering support in Japan.

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About UTAC

Since 1924, UTAC has been at the forefront of the mobility industry,advancing it towards a safer and cleaner future. We provide a large range ofservices to bring your vehicle to the market. With a global presence and a teamof trusted experts, UTAC continues to shape the future of mobility. We striveto provide agile services that help us to fulfill our mission: leading themobility industry to new frontiers.


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