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Japan Lifeline Launches a New Line of In-House Open Stent Graft Frozenix Partial ET

Japan Lifeline Co., Ltd.

August 21, 2023

To whom it may concern,

Company: Japan Lifeline Co. , Ltd.

Representative: Keisuke Suzuki, President and CEO

 (Code: 7575 TSE Prime Market)

Japan Lifeline Co., Ltd. (“the Company) is pleased to announce that it will start selling a new lineup of its proprietary open stent graft product Frozenix Partial ET from August 2023.

Open stent graft "Frozenix Partial ET

Reimbursement price: 1,110,000 yen(as of August 21, 2023)

Open stent grafts are a type of artificial blood vessel used in surgical procedures to repair blood vessels damaged by thoracic aortic disease. This device reduces the difficulty of the surgeon’s technique and allows patients to complete two surgeries in one, reducing physical burden. Since launching Frozenix as a one-of-a-kind product in2015, the Company has accumulated over 20,000 cases of use globally, leaving good postoperative results.

The Frozenix Partial ET is expected to reduce complications*1 caused by the placement of stent grafts by changing the stent wire diameter while inheriting the features of the conventional product. In addition, the product designin corporates features that make the surgeon’s technique easier in case additional treatment is needed. With the introduction of this product, the Company aims to open up a new market for open stent grafts and further promote their use.

The Company is focusing on strengthening the product capability of open stent grafts in its mid-term strategy for cardiovascular (aortic) related issues. Together with the Frozenix 4 Branched launched in the previous fiscal year,it is eager to establish a product portfolio that broadly addresses the medical needs of thoracic aortic disease and further strengthen its top share position in aortic treatment.

*1 The main complication is dSINE (distal stent graft-induced new entry), a complication that causes a new aortic dissection due to the interference of the stent part with the original blood vessel by the placement of the stent graft. 

Japan Lifeline's news releases are intended to provide stakeholders with the latest information related to the Company. Although they may include information on medical devices (including those under development), they are intended to provide information to the press, shareholders, and investors, and are not intended as promotions or advertisements for our products or as medical advice.


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