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Prepare your mind, refine your soul, and gain altruism at the real head temple Ninna-ji Temple Once a year, a time to experience beauty and happiness JAXURY Tea Ceremony x Terakoya 2025 to learn about the real thing" will be held Sunday, March 30, 2025 at Ninna-ji Temple (Kyoto)

総本山 仁和寺

On Sunday, March 30, 2025, Ninna-ji Temple, the head temple of the Omuroha sect of the Shingon sect of Buddhism, will host "JAXURY Tea Ceremony x Terakoya 2025: Learning about Authentic Luxury". In the past, Ninna-ji Temple has hosted many events such as tea ceremonies, Noh plays and traditional handicrafts as part of its activities to promote the revitalization of the forest.

The following events will be held as part of the "JAXURY: Tea Ceremony x Terakoya 2025 to Know the Real Thing" program.


Ninna-ji Temple Event

◆Organizing guidelines

Event name: "JAXURY Tea Ceremony x Terakoya 2025: Knowing the Real Thing" (JAXURY Tea Ceremony x Terakoya 2025)

Date : March 30, 2025 (Sunday)

Start time: 16:00 (gathering at 15:30)*

Place: Ninna-ji Temple, head temple of the Omuro school of the Shingon sect of Buddhism

Location :33 Omuro-Ouchi, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 616-8092

Access: (1) 3 min. walk from Omuro-Ninnaji Station on the Arashiden (Keifuku Electric Railway) Line

      (2) JR (Sagano Line) Hanazono Station: 15 min. walk

      Or about 5 minutes by cab

Sponsor :Honzan Ninna-ji Temple, JAXURY Committee, Omuro Mutsumi

Cooperation :Nakagawa Wood Crafts, Asahi Ware, AUXCA.DESIGN

◆Terakoya to prepare the mind, refine the soul, and gain altruistic spirit at Ninna-ji Temple, the head temple of the Buddhist sect.

JAXURY Tea Ceremony

Located in the back of Ninna-ji Temple's Shinden Hall, the Liaoko-tei is a special tea ceremony room that was formerly the residence of Ogata Korin, who lived in front of the Ninna-ji Temple gate. With special permission, this event will be held at the Ryokuro-tei, where tea will be served by Mr. Sokyu Nara, the proprietor of the Urasenke school of tea ceremony, Kyoutai-an.

重要文化財 遼廓亭

Ryokurotei, Important Cultural Property

裏千家 今日庵 業躰 奈良 宗久氏

Mr. Munehisa Nara, Jotai An Instructor, Urasenke

JAXURY Study Group

Special lecture by Takashi Maeno (Professor of System Design Management, Keio University Graduate School), a leading researcher and educator on wellbeing in Japan.

A special exhibition of a wooden bucket tea house by Shuji Nakagawa, the third generation of Nakagawa Wooden Crafts, which produces handmade wooden products by craftsmen, focusing on traditional bucket making that has continued since the Muromachi period (1333-1573). The bowls by Toyosai Matsubayashi, the 16th generation of Asahi Pottery (made of clay from Ninna-ji Temple) will be on special display, and Maeno, Nakagawa, and Matsubayashi will give a talk on the theme of "Honmononobito".

ナビゲーター 前野 隆司氏 慶應義塾大学大学院 システムデザイン・マネジメント教授

Navigator: Takashi Maeno, Professor of System Design Management, Keio University Graduate School

特別展示:木桶の茶室-中川木工芸- 中川木工芸 中川 周士氏

Special Exhibit: Wooden Teahouse - Nakagawa Wooden Crafts - Mr. Shuji Nakagawa, Nakagawa Wooden Crafts

特別展示:椀 -朝日焼- (仁和寺の土で制作) 朝日焼16世 松林 豊斎氏

Special Exhibit: Asahi Pottery Bowls (made from Ninna-ji Temple soil) by Toyosai Matsubayashi, 16th generation of Asahi Pottery

3 -Terakoya for the Real Thing - Nohgaku

Mr. Haruhisa Kawamura (Visiting Professor at Doshisha University), a Noh performer of the Kanze school, will be invited to give an explanation of the Noh play "Kyosho" set in Ninna-ji Temple. Also, "Takasago" has been sung in celebration in Japan since ancient times until after World War II. The finale of the Terakoya will be a chorus of the Japanese festive song "Takasago" in the solemn illumination of the temple grounds in an effort to one day carry on this dying culture.

仁和寺 能楽

Ninna-ji Noh Play

1,000 years of history. The challenge of Ninna-ji Temple, the head temple of Nohgaku

There is a vast area of 200,000 tsubo (approximately 1,000 acres) in the mountains behind Ninna-ji Temple, which, like various forests in Japan, is untouched by thinning and other operations. Furthermore, the mountain was hit by a typhoon in 2008, leaving it untouched by fallen trees and other debris, and maintenance of the mountain would cost several billion yen.

The output of the joint research was an activity to thin out the forest with our own hands and a terakoya (a school for children to learn about the "real thing"). We began our activities in the summer of 2023.

We will create opportunities for people to learn how to live beautifully and abundantly by learning about the real thing from Ninna-ji Temple, which has been associated with the Emperor for 1,000 years.