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The 19th Tsugaru Shamisen Japan No.1 Tournament Japan's top competition again this year in Tsugaru, the home of Tsugaru Shamisen!


The Executive Committee of Tsugaru Shamisen Japan No.1 Tournament will hold the 19th Tsugaru Shamisen Japan No.1 Tournament, one of the most prestigious Tsugaru shamisen tournaments, at Link Station Hall Aomori from May 3 (Sat.) to May 4 (Sun.), 2025.

The main feature of the "Tsugaru Shamisen Japan No. 1 Tournament" is that the winner will be determined based on the total score of not only "Kyokubiki" (solo performance) but also "Utazuke" (accompaniment with singing) to Tsugaru folk song singers. The past Japan's best performers have gone on to become top-class performers in Japan and abroad. In addition, we have established various divisions according to performance level and style, from junior to senior and group. We are looking forward to welcoming challengers from all over Japan!

Tsugaru Shamisen Japan No.1 Tournament" URL:


The winner of the Japan's No.1 division in the 18th competition

Outline of the Tournament

Date: Saturday, May 3 - Sunday, May 4, 2025

Venue: Link Station Hall Aomori (Aomori City Cultural Hall)

Organizer: Tsugaru Shamisen Japan No.1 Tournament Executive Committee

   Tsugaru Shamisen National Council

   Aomori City Board of Education

Tournament Schedule

<Saturday, May 3

Tsugaru Shamisen Grand Ensemble

Beginners' Division

Intermediate Division

Senior Division

Advanced Women's Division

Advanced Men's Division

<Sunday, May 4

Junior Section

Japan's No. 1 Division (Kyokubiki)

Apples section

Nebuta division

Japan's No.1 Division (Utazuke)

Performance by the winner of Japan's No.1 Division


Tsugaru Shamisen Ensemble

<Apply online

<FAX> 017-762-7011



Sun Brasso atv, 2-3-17 Shinoda, Aomori-shi, Aomori 038-0011

Tsugaru Shamisen Japan No.1 Championship Executive Committee Secretariat

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