Geochronology Network, a non-profit organization, To prepare for the archiving of geochronological samples and and to prepare for the construction of a curation system and to prepare for the construction of a curation system
Geochronology Network (Location: Naka-ku, Okayama, Japan; President: Tetsumaru Itaya), a non-profit organization that fosters the next generation of human resources, began preparing to archive Earth research samples and build a curation system on the crowdfunding site "CAMPFIRE" on December 16, 2024 (Monday).
CAMPFIRE" crowdfunding site
■Background of Project Launch
In Japan, the development of curation facilities for earth research samples has lagged far behind. As a result, it is difficult to maintain samples of high academic value and scientific heritage.
We would like to build an archiving and curation system for the 15 tons of valuable geological samples collected from Japan and overseas that we have stored in the Institute of Earth History building, and to establish a system that will allow us to participate in the operation of a national-level facility when it becomes a reality in the future, We have decided to conduct this crowdfunding campaign in order to build a system for archiving and curating geological samples and to establish a framework for joint participation in the management of the national-level facility when it is realized in the future.
*Geological age of the Earth research samples
The geological age of the samples includes 4-billion-year-old gneiss in Canada to 10,000-year-old volcanic rocks in Indonesia. The geologic ages are Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. Each of these periods records various histories.
*Rock types of earth research samples
Metamorphic rocks (high-pressure/ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rocks, high-temperature/ultra-high-temperature metamorphic rocks, etc.), igneous rocks (ultrabasic rocks, basalt, andesite, rhyolite, granite, etc.), geological samples of accretionary bodies (chert, sand and mud sedimentary rocks, etc.)
Sample Collection Areas
Japan, Korea, China, Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Kenya, Egypt, India, Himalaya, Indonesia, USA, Canada, Antarctica, etc.
■About Returns
1,000 yen : A rock chip of pure white mica schist from the Western Alps Dora Maira ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic body in Italy
500 yen : A tour of the Institute of Earth History for those who wish to visit the facility
■Project Outline
Project Title: Preparation for archiving of earth research samples and construction of curation system
Period: December 16, 2024 (Monday) - January 31, 2025 (Friday)
Corporate Profile
Company name: NPO Geochronology Network
Representative: Tetsumaru Itaya, President
Location: 2-12 Nakajima, Naka-ku, Okayama City, Okayama 703-8252
Establishment : April 2014
Activities: Fostering young researchers and creating jobs, etc.
- Category:
- Announcements & Recruitment
- Genres:
- Nature & Ecology Society(Japan) Education