“Quick Report of the Field Survey on the Building Damage by The 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake" is available on the websites of the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management and Building Research Institute.
National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
The 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake which occurred on January 1. Since immediately after the earthquake, the NILIM and the BRI have been sending experts of various fields concerned to the affected region and have been conducting the survey on earthquake and ground motion, wooden construction, reinforced concrete construction, foundations and ground, steel frame construction, non-structural members, tsunami and tiled roof, damage due to fire, and so on to collect the data on the state of damage to buildings. The NILIM and the BRI have been surveying the reconstruction of the houses and the areas.
We are pleased to announce that we have compiled a quick report of the results of these surveys and studies at this stage and made it available on the websites of the two research institutes.
Background and Purpose
This report summarizes the results of surveys and studies conducted by NILIM and BRI during the 10 months since the earthquake.
Based on this report, the "Committee to Analyze the Causes of Structural Damage to Buildings in The 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake" established by the NILIM/BRI in cooperation with the Housing Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism analyzed the characteristics and causes of structural damage to buildings, and summarized the direction of countermeasures based on this analysis.
In addition to the results of the field survey of fires in urban areas, this report also compiles data on the reconstruction of the houses and the areas. NILIM and BRI will continue to support the affected municipalities in formulating housing reconstruction plans.
■Summary of the Report
Point (1): Damage to wooden buildings
・In order to understand the damage patterns of wooden buildings caused by differences in building standards at the time of construction, an analysis of damage trends according to the year of construction was conducted based on the complete damage survey carried out by the AIJ in the urban areas of Wajima City, Suzu City, and Anamizu Town, where building damage was most severe.
・The percentage of falls of wooden buildings built under the old seismic design standards is significantly higher than that of wooden buildings built after the introduction of the new seismic design standards. Furthermore, the rate of falls and other damage is lower for wooden buildings constructed after the new seismic design standards, which specifications for joints were clarified after 2000.
Percentage of falls/collapses by year ofconstruction
Point (2): Damage status for Reinforced Concrete buildings and Steel Structure buildings
・Regarding reinforced concrete buildings with pile foundations, one building overturned and several others tilted. Damage is assumed to have been caused by damage or movement deformation to the pile foundations, a detailed investigation will be needed to determine the cause in near future.
・In reinforced concrete buildings built designed by the old seismic code, shear failure of columns, severe damage of column-beam joints, and shear failure of non-structural rectangular walls were observed.
・Among steel structures, three buildings designed under the seismic code before 1981 fell or collapsed.
Point (3): Damage to non-structural components and effects of seismic retrofitting
・Although there was no large collapse of suspended ceiling found, some of the ceiling panels and furring steel material came off. There were also fall of interior/exterior walls etc. and damage to window glass.
・No falls or collapses were observed in the buildings that had undergone seismic retrofitting, confirming the effectiveness of the retrofitting.
Point (4): Damages caused by fire, and trends toward reconstruction of the houses and the areas
・The results of a field survey on an urban conflagration in Kawai-cho, Wajima City, were summarized.
・The report also presents data on the reconstruction of the houses and the areas, as well as trends in reconstruction of the houses and other related studies.
How to obtain this report
This report can be downloaded from the following website of the National Institute of Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM).
Technical Note of NILIM No.1296 “Quick Report of the Field Survey on the Building Damage by The 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake”
URL: https://www.nilim.go.jp/lab/bcg/siryou/tnn/tnn1296.htm
National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)
Representative: Takahiro Fukuda, Director-General
Location: 1 Asahi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0804, Japan
For inquiries from the general public regarding this matter, please contact
National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM), Standards and Accreditation System Division, Building Department
TEL: 029-864-2211
- Category:
- Research & Reports
- Genres:
- Construction Society(Japan) Economy(Japan)