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Creating Business from an Old Japanese House Former sake brewer, Shikoku office re-launched in renovated 110 year old private home


BEYOND" (headquartered in Osaka), a provider of cloud/server services, has relocated its Shikoku office in Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture, and renovated a 110-year-old traditional Japanese house to open a new office.

<Shikoku office - exterior view>.

Beyond Shikoku Office's Five-Year History

BEYOND established its Shikoku Office in Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture in 2019, and has been developing its operations with a satellite office in the former Masakai Ryokan.

The Shikoku office was established as the first remote location with the vision of realizing and gaining experience in infrastructure operations similar to those at our headquarters in remote areas of Japan in preparation for the establishment of our overseas offices.

Approximately five years after its establishment, the Shikoku office plans to further strengthen cooperation with the local community to actively contribute to job creation and regional development in Tokushima Prefecture and Miyoshi City more than ever, while carrying out stable infrastructure operations, and to promote activities that will lead to the advancement of the local economy.

■Purpose of moving to the old private house office

<Shikoku Office - Shared Space

Until now, the former Masakai Ryokan has been used as a satellite office. The renovation of the old private house is intended to further enhance the attractiveness of working at BEYOND Shikoku Office and promote employee retention, as well as to stimulate interest in IT infrastructure operations in Tokushima and increase the attractiveness of the office as a positive base for new hires.

The renovation of the old private house is also intended to provide an opportunity for companies wishing to establish a base in the region or establish a satellite office, and to provide an incentive for such companies to do so.

In addition, in order to further strengthen cooperation with the local community, we created a common space for local residents to gather and interact with each other.

We visited several properties in our search for a new office space, but the one we felt was the most suitable for our Shikoku Office employees as well as for employees of other locations to have a place to refresh themselves, and the one we could best imagine after the renovation was the old private house that has now become our office space.

Renovation of an old private house

<Shikoku Office - Courtyard

The 110-year-old minka, a former sake brewer's house, had magnificent beams and pillars, an alcove, fusuma (sliding screens), and a courtyard, all of which were alive with the qualities of the old days. Therefore, we renovated the office to incorporate new features to create a comfortable working environment for employees, while utilizing the reusable parts and valuing the old house's character.

The employees themselves were involved in the renovation of the interior and courtyard, as they are particular about creating a space where they can work in a natural setting and feel calm and at ease.

In addition to the office space, an open space is also provided, which can be used as a space for events and socializing in a place where people can feel a sense of freedom. We hope to create an environment that facilitates communication and a place where employees can deepen cooperation with each other and with the local community.

■Future Initiatives at the Shikoku Office

<Shikoku Office - Tatami Room for Refreshment

The Shikoku Office also has a space for employees to stay overnight for extended stays, and we will further focus on initiatives that allow employees to work in a different environment from their usual work environment, such as promoting a work vacation system and working at different locations.

In collaboration with the satellite office, which is working to employ local human resources, the Shikoku office will serve as a place where U-turn and IJ-turn workers who have left for urban areas can interact and share information with local students, thereby contributing to regional revitalization.

Outline of Shikoku Office

Office name: BEYOND CORPORATION Shikoku Office

Location: 2264 Machi, Ikeda-cho, Miyoshi City, Tokushima Prefecture

Access :10 minutes walk from "Awa Ikeda Station" of JR line

About BEYOND Co.

BEYOND, established in April 2007, is a managed service provider (MSP) that handles server construction, operation and monitoring, web system development, and web services in multi-cloud environments such as AWS and GCP.

<Cloud/Server Business

We have established a technical support system that utilizes 24/7/365 manned rotation and time zone differences with engineers in Japan and Canada.

<System Development Business

We develop web systems and server-side APIs for games, apps, digital content, etc. We provide reliable quality systems that utilize OSS (Open Source Software) development technology and cloud computing technology.

<Web Service Business

We plan, develop, and operate various cloud services such as our own "EDISONE" reservation system, "Appmill" website monitoring service, and "WebSpeed" WordPress cloud server.

Company Profile

Company name: BEYOND Co.

Representative Director: Masahiro Haraoka

Head Office Location: Nankai SK Namba Bldg. 3F, 1-10-4 Nambanaka, Naniwa-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture

Establishment : April 4, 2007

Capital: 9 million yen

Number of employees: 85


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