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Enjoy American food at home during the summer when the yen is weak! New product "Yokosuka Burger Sauce" to fight summer fatigue! On sale on July 24

The key to the delicious taste is the addictive texture of the mineral-rich "Petit Petit raw mustard”!


forestfree (Representative: Tatsunori Ohdora), located in Otsu-cho, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan, will release Yokosuka Burger Sauce, a healthy yet being wholly absorbed-tasting barbecue sauce made with "Petit Petit (sound of bubbles being popped)raw mustard", on July 24, 2024.

Yokosuka Burger Sauce

■Background of Development

The recent summer heat wave in Japan has led to a growing tendency not to go out in the summer. This year, with the yen's depreciation, the tendency to refrain from going out is becoming even stronger. Therefore, forestfree, which is based in Yokosuka, a city where American culture is alive (*), planned to sell "Yokosuka Burger Sauce" as an item to enjoy the cool summer at home.

Petit Petit raw mustard, the key ingredient of the flavor, is rich in minerals and helps to compensate for "potassium deficiency," one of the causes of summer fatigue, to prevent swelling, and to help with loss of appetite and digestion. The perfect item for this summer has been created to prevent summer fatigue while enjoying the American couch at home.

*After the war, an American military base was located here, and the area around the base is lined with restaurants and stores with an American atmosphere, where you can enjoy American cuisine such as hamburgers and pizza. In addition, the base is open to the public and other Japan-U.S. friendship events are also held.

A hamburger made with our sauce

Taste Characteristics

The main ingredient is "Petit Petit raw mustard". The texture is addictive.

The sauce has an "adult taste" without the sweetness that is often found in barbecue sauce.

It goes well with meat! Dare I say, the flavor is "being wholly absorbed"!

This sauce has a delightful crunchy texture.

How to eat

In addition to burgers, it goes well with fatty meats, salads, dipping sauces, etc.

(You can download images and recipes from the 2D code at the bottom of this page.)

Ingredients collection

■Scenes of use

・While watching a movie in a cool room

・Barbecuing in the garden with friends.

・A girls' night out to forget about dieting

Outline of the product

Product name : Yokosuka Burger Sauce

Date of release: July 24, 2024

List Price : 1,000 yen (tax included)

Shelf life : 550 days

Contents : 190g



Planning and sales


Address: 2-7-25-102 Otsu-cho, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa 239-0808

Representative: OOHORA Tatsunori

Establishment : August, 2022


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