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Providing a Virtual Counseling Room to Enhance Employees' Mental Health and Motivation to Work Employees' Mental Health and Motivation to Work in a Virtual Environment  Limited to 20 companies to offer free trial monitors

No special equipment or expertise required Fun and interactive interaction with counseling experts through avatars

Metaverse Human Resource Development Association

Metaverse Human Resource Development Association has launched "Metaversal Career," a virtual consultation room that enhances employees' mental health and motivation to work in a virtual environment. To commemorate the launch of the service, we are recruiting free trial monitors limited to 20 companies.

Inside the room (1)

We want you to feel free to use this service, so we have changed the location of the consultation from a conference room to the Metaverse!

The virtual consultation room "Metaversal Career" is a new type of consultation that is different from face-to-face meetings, and is popular for its "informal atmosphere so you can talk casually" and "avatar so you don't have to look good".

Through dialogue with experts, our service aims to resolve individual concerns and open up new paths for people to enjoy working in their own way.

No special equipment or expertise is required. All you need is a computer to get started, and it is easy to operate. Anyone can use our service with ease.

Reason for development - Our thoughts

Based on our experience of consulting with more than 3,000 people to date, we believe that it is very important to lower the hurdle to seek consultation and to have each individual disclose the problems and issues he or she is facing in order to work vigorously.

Furthermore, as we listened to the voices of diverse generations, we noticed that many people are more comfortable talking through online apps or phone calls with the screen turned off than in person.

We believe that it is actually the supporters who want to get information from the face of the consultant who insist on a face-to-face meeting where "consultation = knee to knee and eye to eye". Instead, I began to think that it would be better to put myself in the consultant's shoes and create a place from the perspective of "the consultant being comfortable talking. I have come to think that this is a good idea.

In addition, as I frequently heard comments from the younger generation, such as "I feel pressured when I meet with my boss or outside experts," or "I am inevitably nervous in a conference room," I thought, "Let's make the Metaverse space a place for consultation where we can talk stress-free and flat because we are avatars! "Let's start with a casual dialogue without any formalities, and let's let people experience the benefits of consulting! This is why we developed this service.

As the work styles, values, and lifestyles of each individual become increasingly diverse, organizations of the future will be required to provide detailed support tailored to each individual.

This is undoubtedly the key to human resource development and retention. Creating opportunities for consultation as well as providing regular career support for all generations is a condition for organizations to be chosen and to attract people.

Promoting mental health and motivation to work by realizing an individual's desire to "work in one's own way while fulfilling one's work and private life and lead a satisfying and fulfilling life" will lead to increased productivity in the organization.

We hope that you will make use of our virtual consultation room "Metabolic Career," which attends to the feelings of each and every individual, as a place for all kinds of consultation and career support!

For those who are experiencing these challenges

We hope you will find it useful in solving various human-related issues that many organizations are facing.

Young employees are quitting without expressing their true feelings.

The number of employees with mental disorders is increasing, and we are at a loss as to how to deal with them.

We have no opportunity to talk with them outside of work, and we cannot communicate with them.

When we meet with our subordinates, they do not open up to us, and we end up talking only superficially.

The generation gap is too big and we don't know how to bridge it.

In commemoration of the launch of the service, we are offering a "free trial monitor" (limited to 20 companies).

Metaversal Career: 3 Features

(1) Easy to talk in a fun, game-like environment

The fun visuals that unfold when you look into the computer are exciting, and since you don't have to show your face to each other as avatars, even first-time supporters can relax and talk with each other.

This is a very popular feature among not only young people but also people of all ages, as it allows them to be their natural selves without worrying about how they are seen and without having to put on a "good face.

(2) Experienced professionals who are bound by confidentiality agreements, so you can rest assured

Qualified professionals (industrial counselors, career consultants, business coaches, labor and social security attorneys, etc.) who have worked with counselors of all ages (teens to 60s) at corporations, public institutions, universities, and vocational schools will create a psychologically safe place for you in a way that only a virtual space can relate. We can respond to a variety of consultation topics such as workplace relationships, work aptitude, feeling of growth, skill development, future career vision, balancing work and private life, mental down time, etc.

(3) Easy to start because you only need a computer and low cost

When you hear the words "metaverse" and "virtual space," you may think you need special equipment, but Metaversal Career does not require any such equipment, nor any special knowledge or operating skills. Anyone with a computer can easily operate it, so you can start at any time without a large initial investment.

Inside the room (2)

Service Contents

(1) "External consultation room" where our experts respond to your needs

(2) "Internal interview rooms" to support in-house operations

  (Establishment of virtual rooms dedicated to each company and training of interviewees)

(3) Operation of in-house dialogue events, etc.

We are recruiting free trial monitors! (Limited to 20 companies, application deadline is August 31)

(limited to 20 companies, deadline for application is August 31)] To celebrate the launch of the service, we are recruiting free trial monitors for up to three times per company. (Please contact us for the date and time.) <Flow from application to implementation

<Flow from application to implementation

(1) Please apply using the form below.

(2) A representative will contact you within 3 business days to arrange a date and time.

(3) A Zoom meeting will be arranged if necessary.

(4) We will send you a brief entry guide by e-mail before the day of the meeting. Please prepare only a computer.

  (No need to install the application)

(5) Up to 3 sessions per company, each session will last approximately 30 minutes.

(6) After each session, please answer a brief one-minute questionnaire.

<Free trial monitors

Persons in charge of human resource development at their own companies, such as human resource managers, executives, etc.

*Please refrain from using this program for human resource consultants, training instructors, counselors, business coaches, and other professionals in the same field.

<Metadiversal Career Testimonials

It was fun just to look at the screen as if it were an online game! I was able to talk comfortably with a drink in my hand.

I felt like I was being watched when I spoke and when I listened to what was being said.

I felt very relaxed and enjoyed the conversation. I wish I was like this with my boss.

I felt lighter because I was able to have a confidential specialist listen to my work in detail.

<Application form

<Questions and inquiries

Metaverse Human Resources Development Association

Metaversal Career Contact: Takahashi


Operated by: Metaverse Human Resource Development Association ( )

Produced by: Beat Bop Inc. ( )


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