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2025 Fukuoka office new graduates create! The "VUCA Era" benefits program, which takes into consideration the environment and working styles VUCA Era" benefits program will start in April 2025!


Cyber Accel Advisors, Inc. (Location: Toshima-ku, Tokyo; President: Etsunobu Sato) will introduce a new benefit package from April 2025 to pursue the satisfaction and health of its working employees. We also plan to actively reflect the opinions of new graduates who are scheduled to join the company in 2025.

Fukuoka Office Atmosphere (1)

■Benefits and Welfare Programs

The following new programs will start in April 2025.

1. eco-commuting allowance

To encourage environmentally friendly commuting, employees who commute by bicycle or on foot will receive 3,000 yen per month, depending on the distance.

2. childcare support allowance

Aiming to realize work-life balance, employees receive 5,000 yen per child per month.

■Reflecting the voices of new graduates who will be responsible for the future

Noteworthy is the company's willingness to actively adopt proposals from new graduates who will join the company in FY2025. Through an innovative approach of "creating the benefits we need ourselves," we aim to create a flexible and attractive work environment in line with the VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) era.

We will continue to strive to provide better services while improving employee engagement.

Fukuoka Office Atmosphere (2)

Company Profile

Company Name : CyberAxel Advisors, Inc.

Representative : Etsunobu Sato

Establishment : March 2009

Capital : 10 million yen

Number of employees: 21 internal and 30 external support staff (as of FY2022)


Location : <Tokyo Head Office

        Koizumi Bldg. 4F, 1-32-2 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0013, Japan

        <Fukuoka Office

        Takeda Building 4F, 2-19-5 Higashi Hie, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka 812-0007, Japan

Business Description: Increase cost-effectiveness and sales of advertisements for beauty salons,

        We use Hot Pepper Beauty and other tools to attract customers and achieve customer success.

        Customer success is realized by using Hot Pepper Beauty and other customer attraction tools.
