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Oni Pillow, the "Strongest and Hardest Pressure Point Pushing Gear Crowdfunding goal reached on June 12! Even demons are amazed! With 96 hard ceramic prongs, just like a metal rod, The 96 hard ceramic prongs, just like a metal rod, eliminate stubborn stiffness!


Biken Sangyo Co. (Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture; Representative: Kenji Kawai) has developed the "Oni Pillow," a pressure point pressing gear with 96 hard ceramic protrusions to fight off stubborn stiffness. The target amount of 200,000 yen was reached on June 12, 2024.

Features of Oni Pillow

■Background of development: Father crosses daughter's stubborn stiffness with rehabilitation knowledge and tradition of Setomono ceramics

Kawai's daughter was an office worker and suffered from stiff neck, shoulders, and other muscles due to desk work such as computer work. The stiffness was so chronic and stubborn that she was forced to roll a golf ball under her shoulders in her own way. Taking pity on his daughter, her father, Kenji Kawai, studied the placement of pressure points on her entire body and came up with a plan to create "a product that can relieve muscle stiffness and stimulate pressure points.

Oni Pillow Package

Crowdfunding Achievements

As a graduate of Chubu Rehabilitation College, Kawai had a basic knowledge of pressure points, but the more he researched, the more he realized that stimulating pressure points not only relieves stiffness but also regulates the body, and the development period was prolonged due to the depth of this knowledge. After three years of experimenting with various patterns, including mats and green bamboo steps, we arrived at an unprecedented pillow shape with 96 protrusions. After repeated trials of materials, such as plastic and resin, ceramic was adopted as the material that would provide strong stimulation to stiff muscles. With the cooperation of Satoshi Terada, a potter in Seto City who has held solo exhibitions in Paris, the "Oni Pillow," the "strongest and hardest pressure-point pressing gear" to fight off any stubborn stiffness, was born.

Oni Pillow Production Process

Social background: 76% of women suffer from stiff shoulders and stiff necks. However, the majority of countermeasures are self-induced.

According to the "Survey on Stiff Shoulders and Neck (2023)" conducted by Cross Marketing, Inc. among men and women aged 20-69 nationwide, 76% of women, mostly in their 40s, reported having stiff shoulders and necks (62.5% of men). The top responses were "stretching," "ointments," and "self-massage without equipment," which are self-medicating methods that do not involve a professional masseuse or specialized equipment, and are far from a fundamental solution.

Source: Cross Marketing

Self-styled measures to deal with stiffness account for the majority of responses.

Features of "Oni Pillow," the "strongest and hardest pressure point pressing gear

Development concept: "Stimulation by mere mortar is not enough!

This is a development concept that naturally arose from the symptoms of my daughter, for whom rubber and silicon were not stimulating enough.

The original and revolutionary design of this ceramic pillow has been patented.

No matter how stubborn the stiffness is, say goodbye to stiffness! (Design registration No. 1170064)

(Design registration No. 1170064)

The "Oni Pillow," named after a devil's club to relieve even the most stubborn stiffness, was sympathetically accepted as a souvenir from the Kumano Onigajo Center, a World Heritage site.

World Heritage Site, Kumano Onigajo Center

More than 200 monitors, including influencers, were mobilized.

We asked more than 200 people, including influencers, to monitor the product to ensure that people other than our daughter would be satisfied with it. Although we were almost heartbroken by a series of failures, including the breakage of a vital protrusion, we were able to produce a finished product that satisfied people of all body shapes and sizes.

Oni Pillow x Influencer

Oni Pillow x Influencer

■Crowdfunding Details

<Crowdfunding URL

<Schedule> May 31, 2024

May 31, 2024 Project start

June 12, 2024 Project goal reached

July 31, 2024 Project period ends

Late October 2024 Returns will begin shipping in order.

<Crowdfunding return items

Oni Pillow" Super Early Bird discount: 10,010 yen (tax included / limited to 200 units)

Oni Pillow" Super Early Bird discount 10,725 yen (tax included / limited to 200)

Oni Pillow" Early bird discount: 11,440 yen (tax included / limited to 200)

Oni Pillow" Campfire discount: 12,870 yen (tax included)

General sales price: 14,300 yen (including tax)

Company Profile

Company name: Biken Sangyo Co.

Address: 2-1014 Koryu, Meito-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 465-0005, Japan

Home Page : "BikenShop"

E-mail :

Business : Manufacture and sale of supplements, cosmetics, and import and sale of various other products

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