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<Report>First Outdoor Lecture "Billions of Raku(R) Real Intensive Course Held on June 1 at Tsu Country Club in Mie Prefecture! ~A day to open your mind and rediscover your own charm!


Bridge International Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Yayoi Oguma), a company involved in planning and holding seminars and various courses, corporate training, and consulting, held the "Billion Raku(R) Real Intensive Course" at Tsu Country Club in Mie Prefecture on Saturday, June 1, 2024. We are pleased to report on the details of the course and the day's activities.

Billion Raku(R) Real Intensive Course

【Outline of the lecture】

・Name: "Billion Raku(R) Real Intensive Course

・Date: Saturday, June 1, 2024, 10:30-16:30

・Venue: Tsu Country Club (30 Katada Hase-cho, Tsu City, Mie Prefecture)

・Participants: 206 on-site, 900 online participants

Stage Scene

【Contents of the lecture on the day of the event】

◇Theme: Self-Love Revolution

Create a foundation to love yourself and make it rock solid.

Participants discussed in pairs the advantages of loving oneself deeply and the disadvantages of not having self-love, and each recognized the importance of self-love. Participants joined hands and worked to realize that they are not alone.

Bamboo stands one above the ground and its roots are connected underground. Each person stands alone, but they are connected in an unseen consciousness. Many people have probably wondered how that person is doing and received a call from him or her.

If we are aware of these connections, we will not fall into loneliness even when we are alone. Human beings have both strength and weakness, and are attractive because of their imperfections and shortcomings" (Yayoi Oguma).

◇Imprint self-love on your body and mind.

Work to invert and love the parts of oneself that one dislikes, work to feel one's own wildness to regain the charisma that everyone possesses, work to forgive the past, and work to release emotions were practiced one after another. Participants experienced the work in their own styles, moving around the spacious venue or lying down on the grass, and put their self-love into their bodies and minds from various angles.

◇Participants' experiences and a variety of work

Eleven members of the "Billion Raku Elite 10X Organizer Club," consisting of students of the Billion Raku course, shared their own experiences and self-love work. Participants experienced stretching, breathing, singing, tips on how to get inspiration from nature, and how to recover a child's mind.

At the end of the course, 130 participants who fulfilled the requirements were invited to a "Thanksgiving Dinner". Participants shared their appreciation for the traceability of food, the producers of the ingredients, the environment, and the process and people involved in the process of providing the food.

Work with the body

【General producer】

Yayoi Oguma

Revolutionary for World Peace, Founder and CEO of Bridge International, Inc.

At the age of 20, with only 6 yen in her pocket and zero English ability, she made her debut as a simultaneous interpreter within 3 years. She has simultaneously interpreted for more than 3,000 world authorities, including former prime ministers and UN Secretary-Generals, and mastered how to use the brains of billionaires. In April 2020, he developed the "Billionairaku(R) Method" to attract millions effortlessly by crossing the laws of success on earth with the laws of the universe, and started "Billionairaku(R) Live" (distributed on YouTube) every morning at 6:00 a.m. to deliver useful information to Corona disaster victims' homes, which has been broadcast 1,515 times (as of June 10, 2024). The "Live" (YouTube streaming) has been provided free of charge to a total of 12.91 million people, leading viewers to turn their lives around. She is committed to the eradication of poverty in Japan and the world and to achieving the goals of the SDGs through an economy centered on love, aiming to make the 8 billion people on earth infinitely wealthy and happy.

・Yayoi Oguma's official media site :

General Producer: Yayoi Oguma

・Message from Yayoi Oguma

Creating a prosperous future based on each person's self-love

Thank you to everyone who participated in our first outdoor intensive, both at the venue and online.

To all of you who stood on the grass, looked up to the sun-drenched heavens, and felt yourselves unshakable with awareness of your body's axis. If you love yourself deeply in this state, you can live your life shining as you are without being influenced by others' opinions. Even the flaws that you have disliked can be seen as attractive.

During the lecture, steeplejacks flew in the blue sky, a pleasant breeze blew, and clouds of various shapes appeared, as if nature was cheering us on. In the sense of oneness with nature and fellow participants, the importance of self-love must have been firmly embedded in their bodies.

Although the half-day outdoor work was held in strong sunlight, the participants did not focus on that, but rather on the joy of being alive in this moment and the future they want for themselves. We can create abundance by our focus.

A new life begins here. When we forgive and love ourselves and have a stable mind, there is no need to compare or compete with others, which leads to peace. Now, envision your ideal future and go forward to where you want to be.

Lecture in Nature

【Participant's comment】

I thought I was a clunker, but now I know that was just an assumption.

I was convinced that there is something more hidden and wonderful in me.

I was convinced that I have something more hidden and wonderful in me!

I was nervous for my first intensive course, but I had a very meaningful day.

I was nervous for the first time, but it was a very meaningful day!

I will remember all the things I learned today and put them into practice!

I will never forget the many things I realized today and I will put them into practice!

I am grateful to the Tsu Country Club for welcoming us with their great love for that place.

I am grateful to the Tsu Country Club for welcoming us with their great love for that place.

I am very happy that I was able to participate in this event, which is a real event that uses all five senses, and my luck is going up!

I am convinced that self-first self-love is the most important thing.

I was able to change my dislike of myself to love!

I enjoyed it with all my heart like a child!

I enjoyed it as much as a child! I am glad I came!

Work on the lawn

◆Sponsored by Bridge International Inc.

Established in 2016. Online courses based on the English learning method invented by founding CEO Yayoi Oguma: "Hayapera(R) English Course," in which students learn English by listening and outputting English through 20 minutes of video per day, and "Hayapera(R) English Entrepreneurship Course," in which students aim to become English interpreters. He also offers "Billion Raku(R) Mind & Mind Master Coach & Business Course" and "Billion Raku(R) Influencer Course". He has taught more than 10,000 students to date.

【Bridge International 2024 Event Information】

Ascension Fest 2024 on Thursday, August 8

September 21 (Sat) World Peace Fest

December 15 (Sun.) Fun Real Event in Tokyo

The schedule is subject to change. Please check our website for the latest information.

Yayoi Oguma Official Website :

Bridge International Inc. :

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