Hamamatsu, a city of craftsmanship "Small Grand Piano: Phantom Tones" to be held on July 6 A performance and a lecture on piano design were held on July 6.
Designed by Ohashi Hataiwa, a piano maker from Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Hamamatsu & Lake Hamana Tourism Bureau
The Hamamatsu-Hamanako Tourism Bureau, in cooperation with the Hamamatsu City Museum and the Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments, will hold a concert and lecture, "Small Grand Piano: Phantom Tones," on July 6, 2024 (Saturday), "Piano Day," using a Yamaha piano, which is an exhibit at the Hamamatsu City Museum.
Small grand piano (front)
This is part of the "Yaramaika Tourism Creation Project," which the Tourism Bureau has been promoting since this fiscal year, to polish the area's unique experiences as a regional tourism resource by making the most of local history, culture, and industry. This time, we will offer an experience program featuring the story of Ohashi Hataiwa, a local "Yaramaika" and the piano design he devoted his life to, accompanied by a pianist.
Yaramaika" is a dialect of the Enshu region centering on Hamamatsu City. It means "let's give it a try" and represents the spirit of boldly taking on new challenges.
The Yamaha logo differs from the current one
1. background
One of the exhibits at the Hamamatsu City Museum is a small Yamaha grand piano (120 cm deep), which is said to have been designed by Ohashi Hataiwa before he established the "Ohashi Piano Laboratory". This program will create an opportunity for more people to learn about this piano as well as to hold a performance for its proper preservation. (Co-sponsored by Hamamatsu City)
*Normal grand piano: 149-227 cm deep
Piano on display at the museum
2. outline
Date: Saturday, July 6, 2024, 17:30-19:30
Place: Hamamatsu City Museum (4-22-1 Shijimizuka, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu City)
Capacity: 80 people (advance reservations required / first-come-first-served basis)
Fee: 1,500 yen
Speakers: [Lecturer] Masayuki Tsuruta (Director, Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments)
Kazuyasu Suzuki (Director, Hamamatsu City Museum)
Mitsuharu Hashimoto (Curator, Hamamatsu City Museum)
Performer] Yukiko Moriyama
Junko Uchida (freelance announcer/former TV Shizuoka)
Application: Please apply from "Choidabi" of "Hamamatsu/Hamanako Daisuki Net".
Inquiry for application
Hamamatsu Hamanako Tourism Bureau
TEL: 053-458-0011 (9am-6pm except Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays)
Flyer data of this program
- Category:
- Events
- Genres:
- Music Other Lifestyles Society(Japan)