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Sanyo Industry Supports Employees' Motorcycle Lifestyles! New benefit program "Motorcycle License Assistance


Sanyo Industry Co. (headquartered in Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture; hereinafter referred to as "Sanyo Kogyo") has introduced a new benefit program, "Motorcycle License Assistance," effective June 1, 2024. This benefit program supports 80% of the cost for employees to obtain a motorcycle license. This initiative was studied by the Benefits Project, which began in 2023, and was selected from among more than 30 new benefit proposals based on input from various departments. The following is a detailed explanation of the process and thoughts that led to the adoption of this program, along with an overview of the motorcycle license assistance.

Sanyo Kogyo Employees' Motorcycles

Outline of the Motorcycle License Assistance for Sanyo Industry Employees

Employees of Sanyo Industry

License】 Limited to the cost of a regular motorcycle license training course.

Subsidy amount] (Entrance fee + Training fee + Examination fee) x 80

      However, the subsidy amount is limited to 100,000 yen.

      However, the subsidy amount shall be 100,000 yen.

Application must be made within one month of receiving the license.

Required Documents] Driver's license, receipts, etc. (showing entrance fee and training fee)

Benefits: Assistance in obtaining a motorcycle license Background to the adoption of the program

The introduction of the "Motorcycle License Assistance" started with the introduction of the "Rental Bike" program in 2021. The "Motorcycle Rental Program" is a benefit program established in response to the growing popularity of motorcycles within the company after the Corona disaster, and in response to requests from employees who have a motorcycle license but cannot afford to purchase a motorcycle. Sanyo Industry has a long history with Kawasaki motorcycles, and a certain number of motorcycle enthusiasts originally existed within the company. However, with the introduction of the "Rental Bike System," 15% of the employees working at the head office acquired new motorcycle licenses. In response to this, a 31-year-old female employee, a motorcycle enthusiast working at the head office and a member of the "welfare project," proposed the idea that "by providing assistance in obtaining a motorcycle license, we can meet the needs of employees who want to ride motorcycles and further promote internal communication such as touring. This idea was adopted and incorporated into the program. This proposal was adopted and incorporated into the program.

Motorcycle License Acquisition Assistance Comments from Employees Planning to Use the Program

A notice was made within the company that a "Motorcycle License Assistance" has been introduced from June 1, 2024. To use this assistance, employees must submit an "Application for Regular Motorcycle License" before attending a driving school and an "Application for Regular Motorcycle License" after obtaining a license.

So far, 10 employees have submitted the "Application for Normal Motorcycle License" form. The following are comments from two of those employees.

I have always wanted to ride a motorcycle, but I had decided that it would be difficult to obtain a license and purchase a motorcycle. However, when I heard that the company is going to start offering assistance for obtaining a license as part of the benefits package, I feel that this is a good opportunity for me. 80% of the cost is covered, so I can obtain a license for about 20,000 yen in my area. My immediate goal is to get a motorcycle license and go touring on a rental bike. (Joined the company in 2024 / age 23 / male)

When I see videos of employees touring together posted on Sanyo Kogyo's YouTube page, I am attracted to the fact that "we are interacting with each other regardless of our departments. There are senior employees in my department who ride motorcycles, and I have secretly longed to ride one myself. It was quite difficult for me to prepare for the cost of a license and the purchase of a motorcycle since my child is still small, but with the "motorcycle license subsidy" and "rental motorcycle" benefits, I can ride a motorcycle with little burden. I am very much looking forward to it now. (Joined the company in 2018 / Age 29 / Female)

Sanyo Kogyo in-house touring

■Future Prospects

Sanyo Industry's benefit program will continue to develop in the future. Employees from various departments participate in the "Benefits Project," which proposes new benefits, and many ideas are generated. We do not take a top-down approach, but rather emphasize employee feedback. To this end, we always keep in mind the concept of "try something that has never been done before," which is shared within the company. We will continue to evolve flexibly based on our belief that improving employee satisfaction is directly linked to improving customer satisfaction.

■Company Profile

Company name: Sanyo Industry Co.

Representative: Naoyuki Inoue, President

Location: 1388 Eijima, Okubo-cho, Akashi-shi, Hyogo Prefecture

Establishment : March 24, 1980

Business description: Manufacturing and manufacturing dispatch services



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