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Lake Biwa Charity 100km Walking Tournament" to be held on Oct. 19 (Sat.)-20 (Sun.) The 10th and final event ~100km of Thanksgiving and Challenges

A total of 4,933 people have participated over the past 10 years! Continuing Progress and Steps Toward the Future

第10回 びわ湖チャリティー100km歩行大会 実行委員会

The 10th Lake Biwa Charity 100km Walk (Biwa 100) will be held in Shiga Prefecture from October 19 (Sat) to 20 (Sun), 2024. This will be the last time the Biwa 100 will be held. Entries for this exciting finale began on Saturday, June 1, and the maximum number of 800 applicants was reached in just 32 hours.

Past competitions1

Biwa 100" official website:

■10 years of progress, 4,933 memories

The ultra-walk market has expanded with the rise in health consciousness, and has become a high-profile event in which many challengers participate. In particular, the Biwa 100 is attractive for its route along the shores of Lake Biwa, which has few elevation differences and can be enjoyed by beginners, and the warm hospitality at the checkpoints. 4,933 people have participated over the past 10 years, including the oldest finisher at 83 years old. The event has created a moving experience that enriches people's lives through walking.

Thoughts on the Last 100km

With the support of many walkers and supporters (volunteers), the "Biwa 100" has reached its 10th anniversary. However, the curtain has come down on this year's event. That is why we will express our gratitude for the past and our thoughts for the future in the last "Biwa 100". With the theme of "The last 100km, the path we have been on, one step at a time toward the future, with gratitude. With the theme of "The last 100km of the trail, one step at a time into the future with gratitude," pedestrians and supporters will unite their hearts to create a special two-day event.

During a courtesy visit to Shiga Prefecture Governor Daizo Mikazuki (May 24, 2024), we directly conveyed our thoughts on the "Biwa 100" Final. The governor said, "I am deeply moved to hear that the Biwa 100 will mark a milestone. I am sorry that I will not be able to participate, but I hope all the athletes will enjoy the walk.

Courtesy visit to Governor Mikazuki

The highlight of this year's event is the bond between the walkers and their supporters: more than 200 supporters stand at each checkpoint day and night to support the walkers. In addition to water and food, the warm cheers of the supporters will surely give them strength. Please look forward to the moving finale created by all the walkers and supporters, a fitting end to the "Biwa 100.

Another attraction of the event is that a portion of the participation fee will be donated to a Lake Biwa environmental conservation organization, so you can help protect Lake Biwa by walking 100 kilometers. The finale of the event will be a moving reunion at the finish line, where the memories of the past 10 years will be concentrated.

Outline of the event

Date: October 19 (Sat.) - 20 (Sun.), 2024

Participation fee: 17,000 yen (excluding fees)

Course: Nagahama City Yutaka Park - Otsu City Otsu Onsen Kanko Koen (100km)

Entry: Applications will be accepted from June 1 on the official website

       *800 people maximum number of entries closed

Number of walkers to date: 4,933 in total

<Features of the event

Beautiful location on the shore of Lake Biwa

・Route with few elevation differences that can be enjoyed by beginners

Warm hospitality at checkpoints

Warm hospitality at checkpoints ・Heavy support by more than 200 volunteer staff

Supporters wanted:

Past event 2

Past event 3

Outline of the organization

Name: The 10th Lake Biwa Charity 100km Walk Executive Committee

Location: Nakayama Bldg. 1F, 1-25-25 Senmachi, Otsu-shi, Shiga

Executive Committee Chairman: Tomoma Ota
