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Neuromagic Amsterdam Effective Wednesday, May 1, 2024 Bettina Melendez Named CEO


Neuromagic Corporation (Headquartered in Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Motoharu Kuroi, President & CEO; hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), which provides services in the areas of SX, UX, design sprint, and service design under the slogan "EXPERIENCE AGENCY," will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2024. On Wednesday, May 1, 2024, Bettina Melendez, formerly Group Leader of Sustainability and Transformation, was appointed CEO of Neuromagic Amsterdam, a Dutch subsidiary of the Company.

*A wide range of design areas (service/brand/communication, etc.) with emphasis on customer experience

Bettina Melendez


As the new CEO of NeuroMagic Amsterdam, I will deepen my involvement with "sustainability" as my main focus. Sustainability is integral to our mission and seamlessly aligned with our strategic initiatives. By leveraging the extensive expertise and experience of our Tokyo office, which has been in business for 30 years, we will be able to enhance the value we provide to our European clients. The synergy between our two offices in Tokyo and Amsterdam will not only enrich our service offerings, but also strengthen our business solutions. We will focus on supporting our clients in developing sustainability strategies, developing innovative sustainability-oriented services and products, and utilizing our SaaS "SustainLab" to track and manage their sustainability progress and impact. NeuroMagic Amsterdam is a leading provider of sustainability services and products. NeuroMagic Amsterdam will not only help clients smoothly meet current environmental and social governance standards, but will also strongly support them in setting new benchmarks for sustainability excellence through its consulting services.

■Bettina Melendez Profile

Bettina Melendez has worked in strategic planning at an international agency, then in European marketing and PR management at the Dutch Curaçao Tourist Board, and then in customer experience, service design, communications, and business design in the Berlin startup scene. design roles in the Berlin startup scene. He joined NeuroMagic in 2021. He joined NeuroMagic in 2021 and has been leading the SX group, using design thinking and systems thinking methods to help create solutions that impact business. He resides in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

■Neuromagic Amsterdam

In 2017, he founded Neuromagic Amsterdam (NMA), which provides services ranging from creative planning and production to service design, business development, and SX. With our extensive knowledge and network in the Netherlands and Europe, and creative capabilities cultivated in Japan, we have been able to organize and solve complex issues for our clients. 2024, our 7th year, Bettina Melendez, who has been leading our SX group in Tokyo, will assume the role of CEO. With an eye on an era in which "being sustainable is the norm" in all areas, from strategy to marketing and business processes, we will provide added value to our European clients by leveraging our knowledge and expertise in Tokyo, and to Japanese companies by developing and accompanying sustainability strategies that meet European and international standards, SaaS (SustainLab) to provide solutions to track sustainability progress and impact. NMA will integrate and collaborate with SX Group in Tokyo to explore and deepen business in Europe and Japan.

■SX:Sustainability strategy development, development of sustainability-oriented services and products, and provision of SaaS (SustainLab) that provides ・solutions for understanding sustainability progress and impact.

・Research:Design research, market research, etc., both domestically and internationally

・Planning :Project/product/business planning

From feasibility study to production and execution in an international environment

・Promotion:Creation and execution of strategies utilizing advanced marketing and creative expertise

・Workshops:Providing learning and workshops on business, projects, etc., with sustainability at the core

■Neuromagic Company Profile

・Company name:Neuromagic, Inc.

・Representative:Motoharu Kuroi, President and Representative Director

・Location:Tsukiji 616 Bldg. 3F, 6-16-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan

・Establishment:September 1994 / Founded November 1995

・Capital:57,060,780 yen

・Business : Communication design, service design,Communication design, service design, brand design, and various creative production,training・lectures, and business development,Sustainable transformation consulting

・Employees:126* as of April 2024

・Sales:1,365,617,587 yen in 2023 (29th fiscal year, March 2022 - February 2023)


・Wantedly :

・Seminars hosted by us:


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