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Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Sponsored OPEN CARE PROJECT AWARD 2023 Mikako Shiratori won in the OPEN EPISODE category!


Tsuchiya Corporation (Headquarters: Ibara City, Okayama Prefecture; President: Toshiyuki Takahama; Number of employees: 2,547) and the Tsuchiya Group are pleased to announce that on March 14, 2024, Mikako Shiratori, Tohoku Area Manager of Tsuchiya Corporation/Home Care Tsuchiya, won the "OPEN CARE PROJECT AWARD 2023 OPEN We are pleased to announce that we have won a prize in the EPISODE category.

We are a social business enterprise that provides home-visit care services for people with severe disabilities throughout Japan, as well as services for the elderly (day services and group homes), regular patrols, and home nursing care.

The OPEN CARE PROJECT was launched in March 2023 by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) as a project aiming to transform nursing care from "an issue for individuals" to "a topic for everyone.

In this issue, we report on the OPEN CARE PROJECT AWARD 2023 and "TSUCHIYA MEMBER'S STORY," an interview with Tsuchiya Group employees including Shiratori, the winner of the award.



In March 2023, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry launched the OPEN CARE PROJECT, a project that aims to transform nursing care from an "individual issue" to a "topic for everyone.

The project is described as "a project that the national and local governments, private companies and NPOs, and each and every individual will create together.


Outline of the OPEN CARE PROJECT AWARD 2023

Sponsor : OPEN CARE PROJECT, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Objective :To make nursing care a "topic of conversation" for everyone, rather than an "issue for individuals,

     To make nursing care a "topic of conversation" for all, from "an issue for individuals" to "a topic of conversation for everyone," through episodes and case studies,

     To raise the exposure of nursing care in society through episodes and case studies,

     We also aim to visualize the reality of nursing care in order to

     We also aim to solve issues related to nursing care by visualizing the reality of nursing care.

Submission categories: OPEN EPISODE / OPEN ACTION / OPEN IDEA

Source: XLFqkNYZXd5_O4oNR8PRFwz06lRKc36PsU8


The OPEN EPISODE section of the contest called for entries of "positive real-life experiences related to nursing care and episodes that involve subjects who have never had contact with nursing care before," and Mikako Shiratori (Home Care Tsuchiya Tohoku Area Manager) won the prize.

Shiratori received the prestigious award for her story about her stage 4 malignant lymphoma diagnosis during her pregnancy, her unexpressed feelings while working with her disabled second son, the many difficulties she overcame with the help of others, and the reason why she decided to work as a caregiver herself.

Mikako Shiratori (left) and her family

<Message from Mikako Shiratori

First of all, I would like to thank you for this wonderful opportunity. And I am truly honored to have won the OPEN CARE PROJECT AWARD 2023 OPEN EPISODE category.

I hope that by sharing my life experiences, I can help those who are family caregivers or those who are just starting their caregiving careers.

Looking back on my past, I realize that I was able to overcome difficult trials and difficulties because of the support of my family, the medical professionals who were involved in my life, and the support of my counselors.

And joining Tsuchiya Co., Ltd. was also what led me to win this award. While it was still difficult to work while raising my disabled son, I was blessed with supervisors, seniors, and colleagues who guided me, and I am still able to continue working today thanks to everyone's support.

I hope to continue to feel the importance of life and the joy of living, while always remembering to be grateful.

I also hope to continue to do my best as one of the people responsible for the evolution of our company into a total care company, in order to achieve our vision of "Realization of an All-Happy Society.

Tsuchiya Corporation's Approach -TSUCHIYA MEMBER'S STORY

Tsuchiya Corporation interviews attendants and back-office members working for the Tsuchiya Group and publishes them as TSUCHIYA MEMBER'S STORY.

It is a "one-of-a-kind nursing care story" that carefully connects the "past" and "present" of each person, including those who are new to the nursing care world, veterans who have been in the nursing care world for many years, and those who ventured into the nursing care world from a completely different world and what they have seen.


Mikako Shiratori's Story "Overcoming the winter of life, a mother in Tohoku nurtures others with courage and charm" by Mikako Shiratori, a winner of the OPEN CARE PROJECT AWARD 2023 OPEN EPISODE category sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is here ↓.

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Company Profile

Company name: Tsuchiya Corporation

Location :2F Hisayasu Central Building, 192-2 Ibara-cho, Ibara-shi, Okayama

Representative Director: Toshiyuki Takahama

Establishment :August 2020

Business description : Disability welfare service business and community life support business,

      In-home service business based on the Long-Term Care Insurance Law,

      Planning, holding, and operation of lectures and workshops, and training business,

      Home-visit nursing business


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