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Is Gokon dead? Is it a wacon? A place to meet people that is changing from a drinking party to "just a dinner party  Published an article on Gokon


Compa de Koi Puran, one of Japan's largest matchmaking service, operated by Goodwill Planning Inc. (Representative: Daisuke Inoue, Location: Suita City, Osaka), examines the role of the matchmaking party today and its new evolution. The column was published on Machikoi, a romance media site operated by the company.


Love and marriage matching that starts with a meeting

Compa de Koi Puran for Matchmaking and Matchmaking

Now that matching apps have become the mainstream, some people in their teens and 20s may not even know what a goukon itself is. So, is Gokon really a dead word? Is it really a wacon? I have summarized the answer to this question.

In conclusion, Gokon is once again attracting attention. Why don't you try going to a Gokon since you may be able to meet the person of your dreams?

What is a goukon in the first place?

A Goukon refers to "an eating and drinking event where two or more men and two or more women participate for the purpose of meeting people. The main venues are izakaya (Japanese-style pubs) and dining establishments, where men and women gather in numbers to enjoy a meal together.

Goukon" is an abbreviation for "joint company. You may think, "Isn't that a company? However, "company" has other meanings besides "company," such as "friends" and "group," and it is used in this sense in Gokon.

Is Gokon a dead word? Is it a wacon?

It is certain that the number of Gokon events has been decreasing in recent years as matching apps have become the mainstream after the Corona disaster. In that sense, it is sometimes expressed as a dead language or "wakon.

In addition, people in their 20s and 30s today place a high value on cosmetics and typa. A party costs about 5,000 yen per person for food and drinks, and they feel that it is not cost-effective. Also, being the organizer of a party involves a lot of hassle (coordinating the schedules of both parties, choosing a restaurant, making reservations, etc.), which makes the experience time-consuming and not very cost-effective.

On the contrary, there are some people who use matchmaking parties rather than matching apps.

Some people who have used matching apps say, "I tried it because it was popular, but it wasn't for me" or "it didn't work out," and for these people, "I can actually meet someone at a blind date and get to know them inside," or "I can have a good time over a meal," etc., so they have started to focus on blind dates They are mainly active at goukon because they can meet people in person and get to know them better, and they can have a good time over a meal.

Many people are switching to Goukon because Goukon has advantages that matching apps do not, such as the ability to meet casually and the safety of meeting multiple people.

Goukon = From a Drinking Party to "Just a Dinner Party" Changing Opportunities for Meeting People

Until recently, gokon was a place where people looking for serious encounters with lovers or marriage partners would gather. Recently, however, it has become a booming venue for casual encounters, especially among people in their twenties, and it can be said that goukon is not a dead word or a "wankon," but rather is evolving into a new and different form of dating.

There have been cases where people have met on matching apps and gone on to have a blind date.

There are an increasing number of cases where people who have met through matching apps invite their friends to join them for a party.

Matching apps are used in a variety of ways. Some people are looking for friends, while others are looking for lovers. Therefore, people who have met through matching apps discuss with each other, and if they find that they are both looking for a girlfriend or a marriage partner, then they will go on to have a blind date.

Because you can meet several members of the opposite sex at once at a blind date, it is very efficient, depending on your point of view.

Summary] There are many ways to meet people. Find the dating method that suits you!

After all, whether it is a blind date or a matching app, it is important to choose the service that suits you best.

And it is always the same that both men and women need to cultivate an eye for the right partner. This is an activity to find the person closest and most important to you, so please use both matching apps and matchmaking parties to your heart's content, regardless of the tool you use.

Goodwill Planning, Inc.

Goodwill Planning, Inc. logo

Goodwill Planning Inc. is a company with the philosophy of "creating services chosen by young people every day. By establishing a secure and reliable service model, the company has acquired a total of 1 million users and is currently operating one of the largest matchmaking service contents in Japan.

Currently, in addition to hosting, planning, and operating "Kompa de Koi Puran," the company is developing a wide range of businesses including an online marriage activity business and a marriage activity business for local communities and municipalities.

[Company Profile]

Company name: Good Will Planning CO.,LTD

Representative Director: Daisuke Inoue

Location: Osaka Head Office (10th Maida Building 7F, 11-34 Toyotsu-cho, Suita-shi, Osaka)

TEL: 06-6330-1430

Establishment : October 29, 2004

HP :

[Compa de Koi Puran]

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