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AI Transforming Mirrors Solve the Problem of Mass Disposal of Clothes! Real Data is the Key! Free measurement session for personal color and skeletal structure diagnosis to be held in Yokohama on Thursday, February 22!

Universe Image Consulting

Universe Image Consulting (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Aki Inoue, founder and CEO), which operates the Image Strategy Consulting Association, is developing an "AI Makeover Mirror" as a start-up company to solve the problem of mass waste in the apparel industry. The AI diagnoses personal color and bone structure type in a few seconds and displays the matching coordination.

Image of AI Makeover Mirror

Information on the February 22nd measurement session

The key is to collect real data!

With the SDGs taking root, the apparel industry is facing the problem of massive waste. Universe Image Consulting, an image strategy consulting firm, is developing an "AI Transformation Mirror" as a start-up company to solve the problem of mass disposal in department stores. This is a free service that uses digital signage to diagnose a person's personal color and frame in about 5 seconds and suggests 10 patterns of recommended coordination. We plan to introduce a prototype model to a major department store around May 2024, when the demonstration experiment will be completed.

On February 22, 2024 (Thursday), a free measurement session will be held in Minatomirai, Yokohama, to collect real data for 1,000 people, which is necessary for highly accurate scientific diagnosis results. This will be the 8th time for this event, and each time it is so popular that the 50-person capacity fills up in half a day. After the measurement, makeup products for each personal color will be prepared, and you can apply makeup using your diagnosed color.

You can get out of your rut! A magic mirror that instantly reveals your type].

There are many places that offer personal color and skeletal structure diagnosis, but most of them are conducted by a person, and although AI diagnosis has been developed, we actually measure and photograph the average person, unlike those that capture skeletal structure data from photos of models in magazines or on the Internet. We use deep learning, in which AI learns as more data is collected, and can handle many different body types. Personal color is represented by the four seasons and is displayed in a total of 12 patterns combined with three types of skeletal structures. When you stand in front of the mirror, which is large enough to show your entire body, the scan starts, and in about five seconds, results such as "Spring's Wave Type" are displayed. The results are based on AI-based scientific data, so the problem of getting stuck in a rut of choosing the same clothes by yourself is eliminated. Normally, the diagnosis would cost 10,000 to 20,000 yen, but if you visit a department store that has introduced this service, you can take it for free and the results will be sent to you on line.

The strength of department stores is their human hospitality, but due to the Corona Disaster staff reductions, they can no longer afford to provide adequate customer service, and the AI Makeover Mirror is effective as a communication tool when approaching customers. It also increases inventory turnover, as customers can immediately see what looks good on them and purchase multiple items instead of just one. As for human resource development, we provide training to the department stores that introduce the system based on the experience and knowledge we have cultivated, which leads to higher quality customer service and differentiation. On the other hand, the weakness of the system is that it is not yet DX-enabled, so it is possible to forecast demand based on the data accumulated by the AI, which will lead to a reduction in wasteful purchases and a reduction in the number of items disposed of.

The happiness of each individual leads to the happiness of society as a whole.

The long experience of the representative of the company is utilized in the development of this system. She became a nurse in search of a job that would make people happy. She then moved on to an apparel brand and became a top salesman at a department store. While I found it rewarding to work with customers who left with smiles on their faces, I also faced the reality that a large number of my favorite clothes were discarded each season. After that, I went to the U.S. to master my knowledge of color and studied four-season personal theory. After returning to Japan in 2013, she started providing image strategy consulting services for BtoB employees, and has supported approximately 20,000 people to date.

Representative's voice: "If you know what looks good on you, you can reduce wasteful shopping, which is an SDGs. The customers who use the system are also happy, and the human resource development HX and data utilization DX that department stores are facing can be solved at once. This service can also make a significant contribution to solving the problem of mass waste faced by the industry as a whole. We look forward to working with you at the measurement sessions." We are planning to hold several more measurement sessions in the future. We are currently planning to introduce the service at a major department store, and are in talks with other department stores in Japan and the United States.

Outline of Free Measurement Session

Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024

Location: Ocean Gate Minatomirai 8, 3-7-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0012, Japan

     Ocean Gate Minato Mirai 8F WeWork Ocean Gate Minato Mirai

Time: Morning Session 11:00-12:00 / Afternoon Session (1) 13:00-16:00 / Afternoon Session (2) / 17:00-19:00

Capacity : 50 people

How to apply : Registration has been closed due to full enrollment.

Eligibility : Those who are willing to cooperate in taking 4 photos (total of 4 photos of face and full body) as data to be included in the AI.

Outline of Image Strategy Consulting Association

Association name: Universe Image Consulting

Founder Representative: Aki Inoue

Location: Aoyama Center Bldg. 2F, 3-8-40 Minami-Aoyama, Tokyo 107-0062, Japan

Business Description : Development and operation of AI diagnostic system using digital signage,

       Operation of image strategy consulting school