Original oyakodon," an idea of a student of Seisoku Gakuen High School, a boys' school Original Oyako-don (chicken and egg on rice)", the brainchild of a student at Seisoku Gakuen High School, will be served at Kamo Soba Restaurant in Yotsuya for a limited time until the end of March The background of the collaboration project is disclosed!
Commercialization of summer home economics assignments in 2023 in a real store
During the summer vacation of 2023, 259 first-year students at Seisoku Gakuen High School, a boys' school in Kanda-Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, were asked by the home economics department to make an original oyakodon (chicken and egg bowl). One of the students' original oyakodon was selected and commercialized at Kamo no Suke, a duck soba restaurant in Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, and served for a limited time until the end of March 2024.
This time, we would like to disclose the background and circumstances leading up to the commercialization of this collaboration project.
Background of the Collaboration Project
Kamo no suke" is a duck soba restaurant in Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, that serves not only duck dipping soba but also "oyakodon is a drink. The restaurant is also famous for its excellent oyakodon, a bowl of rice topped with chicken and eggs, which is made with duck, broth, and eggs.
We asked "Kamonosuke" to collaborate with us in the development of this product.
As a home economics assignment for the summer vacation of 2023, 259 students came up with new "original oyako-don" menus, and only three were selected as finalists. The process included an intra-school qualifying round, prototyping with the manager of Kamonosuke, adjusting the taste and appearance of the actual reproduced product, and discussing specific management issues such as how much to sell the product for.
The final judging was then held on November 4, 2023 at the "Cultural Club Festival" of Seisoku Gakuen.
■Three finalist menus
(1)Shin Iekei Drinkable Oyakodon
(2)Refreshing Oyako Curry with Tofu and Soybeans
(3)Zakusaku suru Age-age Oyako-don Pan
As a result of the final selection process, the winner (1), "Shin Iekei Drinkable Oyakodon," was chosen to be sold! Although it is a "oyakodon," the seasoning and toppings are reminiscent of "Iekei Ramen. This innovative "drinkable oyakodon" was sold at "Kamonosuke" restaurants from December 11, 2023 to the end of March 2024.
Kamonosuke Store Information
Location : 1F Daini Ueno Building, 1-10 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soba_kamonosuke/
This collaboration project was a very valuable experience for the students, as they were able to participate in the actual cooking of the prototype and learn about the process of product development.
In 2024, Seisoku Gakuen is considering another collaboration project. Please research "Seisoku Gakuen" to see what kind of projects will be born, and look forward to future developments.
School Outline
Seisoku Gakuen High School
Location: 3-1 Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8456
Date of foundation: October 16, 1896
Principal : Yozo Nashimoto
Official HP : https://www.seisokugakuen.ac.jp/
Cultural Club Festival: Saturday, November 2, 2024, 10:00-15:00
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