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Online Wedding Attitude Survey 2023 - Attendees. Want more invitations? Attendees who are willing to attend weddings


Eight Knots Co. (Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo), which sells an online wedding attendance system, conducted a survey on the recognition rate and image of a wedding style that incorporates online as part of the wedding ceremony in September 2023, from the viewpoint of attendees. In addition to the Corona disaster, the number of people attending weddings has been decreasing, and it is thought that opportunities to experience a wedding ceremony are decreasing.

Survey Summary

Target : Men and women, aged 16-79, who have attended at least one wedding in the past.

Survey period: Screening survey September 1, 2023 - September 7, 2023

       Main survey: September 6 to September 13, 2023

Survey organization : Eightknot, Inc.

       (Internet survey by JustSystems "Fastask")

Number of valid responses: 558

Online Attendance System SanLet's_Screening Questions (Attendance Experience)

■45% of all respondents are aware of online delivery of wedding ceremonies

A total of 45% of respondents who "know and can specifically explain" and "somewhat know but cannot explain" that there is a style of online delivery of weddings or parts of wedding events said they knew about it in some way. Compared to the previous year's 48.6%, the awareness rate decreased slightly.

Online Participation System SanLet's_Online Participation Recognition Rate

The image of online participation is "easy to participate even if you are overseas or far away.

The most common image of online visitation was "easy to participate even from overseas or far away" at 13.1%. This was followed by "can't imagine" at 8.1% and "new" at 7.3%.

Online visitation system SanLet's_Online visitation image

60.6% of respondents want their best friends to attend on-site

We asked respondents by relationship to the bride and groom whether they would like to attend the wedding "on-site," "online," or "do not want to attend. A high 72% of family members wanted to attend on-site, and 60.6% of close friends wanted to attend on-site. On the other hand, among friends who see each other occasionally or in groups such as clubs and circles, 27.2% and 24.2% respectively chose "Online" and "On-site" more than "On-site".

Among friends connected only through social networking services, 20% said they would like to attend online.

Online Attendance System SanLet's_Intention to Attend

The same question was asked from the bride's point of view in a survey conducted at the same time, and a comparison was made between the bride's and the attendee's perspectives. Overall, in the case of a close relationship, attendees were more likely to "want to attend on-site" than "want to invite on-site" on the bride's side, and in the case of a casual relationship, attendees were more likely to "want to attend online" than "want to invite online" on the bride's side.

Online Attendance System SanLet's_Bride/Attendee Intention Gap

The most common amount of congratulatory gifts for online participation was between 10,001 yen and 30,000 yen or less. Slightly lower price trend

The most common amount of congratulatory gifts for online wedding ceremonies was 35.4%, ranging from 10,001 yen to 30,000 yen. Compared to the previous year, the amount of 5,001-10,000 yen increased by 6.8 points, and 44.4% of all respondents used less than 10,000 yen, indicating a slight trend toward lower prices.

Since online attendees often do not receive food or gifts, it is thought that they are giving purely as a congratulatory gift.

Online Attendance System SanLet's_Online Attendance Congratulatory Amount

40% of respondents say that the right amount of time for an online visitation is about one hour.

39.4% of respondents said they would like to attend online for about an hour, and 24.4% said they would like to attend for less than 30 minutes, for a combined total of about 65% of respondents. Compared to the previous year, the number of respondents who answered that their wedding would last about 2 hours decreased by 5.9 percentage points.

It seems that a portion of the time or just the ceremony is just right, rather than 2-3 hours to deliver the entire wedding party.

Online Attendance System SanLet's_Optimal Viewing Time


As the Corona disaster accelerates the trend toward smaller weddings and decreases the number of people who have attended weddings (29% of respondents in their 20s have never attended a wedding), we have seen a willingness on the part of attendees to attend weddings onsite for those with whom they have close relationships. Weddings may be becoming a more intimate and realistic way to spend time with people close to you. Although the majority of respondents are not yet aware of online wedding ceremonies, the number of casual relationships is increasing, and the increase in online options is seen as a significant benefit to the attendees. With viewing time of less than an hour and a congratulatory gift of 10,000 yen or less, weddings will become more casual and accessible. The combination of onsite participation, which values real connections with those close to you, and online participation, which allows you to genuinely share your feelings of celebration in a less burdensome way, will enrich the wedding experience.

What is the SanLet's Online Participation System?

SanLet's is an online wedding ceremony attendance system that allows guests to participate in the ceremony through a live broadcast of the ceremony and a 3-day archived video viewing period. During the live-streaming ceremony, you can express your congratulations with stamps, and send messages and congratulatory gifts through the attendance site. A dedicated gift site is also available for attendees to send gifts to the bride and groom, and for the bride and groom to select their own gifts for the attendees. The service is available at no initial cost to the bride and groom. (Fees will be charged for some functions.) Ceremony sites can implement the system at low running costs without making major changes to their existing operations.

SanLet's online attendance system (image of distribution)

SanLet's official website

Click here for actual reports from SanLet's users of graduated flowers.

<SanLet's introduction results

Karuizawa Hotel Breston Court (Karuizawa)

Hoshino Resort Risonare Yatsugatake (Yatsugatake)

Hoshino Resort Tomamu Church of Water (Hokkaido)

Aqua Grace Chapel (Okinawa)

Blessed By The Sea (Okinawa)

Hitoiro no Chichi (Okinawa)

Inquiries about the introduction of the online wedding attendance system SanLet's

This service is provided for bridal businesses that have a wedding venue facility. If you are interested in this service, please feel free to contact us.

Eight Knots Co.

With the vision of "Digital Connect," we aim to further improve the value of the wedding and funeral experience through digital solutions. Since its launch in April 2021, the online wedding attendance system SanLet's has delivered over 6,000 live wedding ceremonies and 81,000 online attendees.

Location : 1-11-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan


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